Pads 101: Dress Shoes to Sneakers
With the advances in diagnostic imaging (digital x-ray, CT, MRI, PET) and the outstanding work of many people, we now have a much better understanding of just how complex and sensitive the equine foot is. Steel and aluminum shoes have done a great job of protecting the outer hoof wall but we now know that there is much more to protecting the horse's foot than just the outer hoof wall -- this is why I feel there is such a strong need for our cushioned insoles.
The engineering of the equine hoof is a true masterpiece; in light of this, we have designed our pads to work in union with the hoof. The pads are made of a product that absorbs concussion and they offer a base that's much wider than most conventional horseshoes and, additionally, more resembles the horse's hoof.
Even though a horse's hoof looks like a block of wood, it is so much more. It is an intricate, delicate structure that has evolved to support the 1000 pounds (give or take) towering above it.
We all have or know of horses with sore feet -- THE BLACK PADS provide a broad, stable, cushioned base right where your horse needs it most -- where they land! The pads get the hoof up off of the ground and the added benefit of the impact absorbing "heel cleat" which replaces the narrow, weak heel portion of the conventional horseshoe with a cushioned, shock-absorbing polymer. Horses love them!
It's very simple -- putting our pads on your horse is like you changing from your dress shoes into your sneakers -- that ahhhhhhh feeling!